Vedic Mathematics VS Traditional Methods

Vedic Mathematics makes mathematics more easy and fun to learn compared to the traditional methods we learn and use in our life. The traditional methods are more complex and difficult to use and apply and thus most of us starts hating Maths. With this methods and tricks, You can solve difficult maths calculations, mentally and instantantly figure out the right answer to the sum, which you were used to calculate with paper or a calculator. You will find that soon you'll start using this methods in your general life and make its Optimum use. I have tried to make all the illustrations easy to understand with help of examples and some self-exercise too..
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Mental Calculation of Subsequent number 's Square

It is practically easy to calculate the square of the subsequent number if you know the square of the number.
For example, if you know the square of 10, You can figure out the square of 11 mentally and instantaneously.
Here is how you can do it.
Continuing the above example, Square of 10 is 100, So, square of 11 will be 121.
How ???

First, we multiply 10 with 2 to get 20 and add 1 to it to get 21. [We used: 2A + 1 ( Where A is 10 here)]
Next, we add 21 to 100 (Because 100 is the square of 10)

Similarly, if we want to calculate 512, then
We, Know 502=2500;
So, 512= 2500 + (2 x 50) + 1
= 2500 + 100 + 1
= 2601 (Easy, isn't it ?? )

Theory behind it-
(a + b)2= a2 + 2ab + b

If we know a2,  and b is  1 , then  , formula becomes

(a + 1)2= a2 + 2a + 1

So, its very easy to solve such square in your head alone. You can do it mentally with a little practice.

Self Exercises:-

a) 612=
b) 132=
c) 712=

Note: This method can also be used for numbers which are not subsequent, this can be dont by placing any other number in place of "b" in the formula.


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Mental maths

V. B. Jadhav January 23, 2014 at 7:23 PM  

Nice informative post. keep sharing your work. Here is another wonderful research book on vedic math that reveals many secret behind vedic math .

Anonymous,  June 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM  

Its very interesting,cool and nice vedic math.

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