Vedic Mathematics VS Traditional Methods

Vedic Mathematics makes mathematics more easy and fun to learn compared to the traditional methods we learn and use in our life. The traditional methods are more complex and difficult to use and apply and thus most of us starts hating Maths. With this methods and tricks, You can solve difficult maths calculations, mentally and instantantly figure out the right answer to the sum, which you were used to calculate with paper or a calculator. You will find that soon you'll start using this methods in your general life and make its Optimum use. I have tried to make all the illustrations easy to understand with help of examples and some self-exercise too..
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Easy Multiplication of numbers around 100

Multiplication of two numbers around 100 is even easier than you could ever imagine.
Suppose you want to multiply any two numbers, lets take 95 and 97 for example.
Step 1: We'll find out the difference of the two numbers (95 & 97) from 100.
              95 is 5 less than 100 [100-95=5],
               97 is 3 less than 100 [100-97=3].
Step 2: Subtract the total difference from 100. Here the total difference will be 8 [Since 5 + 3 = 8]
               So after subtracting , we get 92 [ 100 - 8 = 92 ]. This becomes first part of our answer.
Step 3: We multiply the two difference amount i.e. 5 & 3 to get 15 as the second part of our answer.

So our final answer becomes 9215. Easy isn't it ?

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Mental Calculation of Subsequent number 's Square

It is practically easy to calculate the square of the subsequent number if you know the square of the number.
For example, if you know the square of 10, You can figure out the square of 11 mentally and instantaneously.
Here is how you can do it.
Continuing the above example, Square of 10 is 100, So, square of 11 will be 121.
How ???

First, we multiply 10 with 2 to get 20 and add 1 to it to get 21. [We used: 2A + 1 ( Where A is 10 here)]
Next, we add 21 to 100 (Because 100 is the square of 10)

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Easy Multiplication of a number with 5

It may be difficult for you to multiply a number with 5 , specialy larger numbers like "34638445" , "43574683", or even more larger than this. But after you learn this technique, you can even multiply larger numbers than the above mentioned numbers.
Here is how you should go:
Suppose, You want to multiply 264 with 5, then..

write or imagine mentally:

 [ Note: We have replaced the value of "5" with "10/2" ]
=>2640 / 2= 1320 [ You can mentally divide any number with 2, just move from lefthandside first number to righthandside last number, in this example, we should take "2" as the first number , as "2640" is what we have to divide with 2, so start dividing the numbers mentally, start putting the final answer in our mind, like in this example, start dividing "2" ,"6","4" and "0" with 2, and write or imagine the final answer as 1320. ]

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Easy Multiplication with 9 ( The Finger Rule)

This method is applicable for multiplying 9 with numbers upto 10 .
This method requires the use of your hands, this method is very easy to learn.
This method covers a very limited amount of numbers (i.e numbers ranging between 0 - 10 ) But You'll definately find it very interesting and easy..

Here is how to do it-

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Easy Addition of Three-Digit Numbers

While adding Three-Digit Numbers, we'll use the same method for which we used for Two-Digit addition and Basic addition .

For addition of  355, 752 and 694 together you would say in your head, "three fifty-five, add seven hundred, (ten fifty-five), add fifty, (eleven hundred and five), plus two, (eleven oh seven), plus seven hundred less six, eighteen hundred and one". Or, you may prefer for the addition from left to right; adding the hundreds first, then the tens and then the units.

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Most Easy Trick for learning Table of 9

This is not related to vedic mathematics, this is just an easy  trick for the 9 times table up to 9x10. First, write the numbers

0-9 down the left hand side:


Then, repeat the process of writing the numbers 0-9, this time going
UP the right side:

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Two-Digit Easy Mental Addition

How would you add 48 ? To add 48, You would add 50 and subtract 2.

How would you add 67 ? To add 67 ,You would add 70 and subtract 3.
How would you add 96 ? To add 96, You would add 100 and subtract 4.
There is a simple principle for mental addition ( With this Easy Vedic Maths principle You can learn to add two digit numbers very easily.. Just remember the principle ..) -

If the units digit is high, round off to the next ten and then subtract the difference. If the units digit is low, add the tens, then the units.

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Easy numbers Addition (Basics)

Generally for peoples making addition is easier than subtraction. We will learn how to make addition even more easier.
>How would you add 68 plus 9 in your head?
The easy way would be to add 10 to 68, (78), and take away one (1). The answer will be 77.
It is easy to add 10 to any number mentally; 27 plus 10 is 37; 249 plus 10 is 259, etc. Simply increase the tens digit by 1 each time you add 10 to a number.
Here is a basic rule for adding mentally :

To add 9, add 10 and subtract 1; to add 8, add 10 and subtract 2; to add 7, add 10 and subtract 3, and so on.

If you wanted to add 36 , you would add 40 and subtract 4 . To add 295, add 300 and subtract 5. This makes it easy to calculate mentally. To add 67 to a nubmer, add 70 and subtract 3 . To add 385 to a number, add 300 and subtract 15.

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Squaring of a number ending with 5

After you read this article , you would be able to find the answers to the square of numbers ending with 5, almost instantly and mentally.
For example , you squares of 35 , 75 , 95 , 105 etc.
Here's how to do it,

Imagine in mind the number, suppose 35 in your mind to be of two parts "3" and "5" ( If it is difficult for you to imagine , write it at a piece of paper )
Now, multiply the first part of the number with a number that is one ( 1 ) greater than it ( Here, "3" is to be multiplied with "4" as 3 + 1 = 4 ) , this will be the first part of your final answer.
Here, 3 x 4 = 12 , so , 12 will be the first part of your final answer.
Next we know 52=25 , so 25 will be the next part of your final answer.

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Multiplication with 11

Multiplication with 11 looks difficult, but it is easy too , if you follow this vedic maths technique..
In order to multiply a number from 11 , You have to move from the number's unit's degit to the last digit ( i.e. from the right to left ) . You have to simply put the unit's digit as it is in the final answer, then you have to add the Unit's degit number with the number at Ten's place and put the answer (if the total of the Unit's and Ten's digit goes above 10 then you should place only the unit digit at the answer and carry the carryover Ten's digit of the answer to the next Hundred's digit and so on till you reach the last digit ) .

Theoritically its too difficult for You to understand if you don't love maths ( like 9/10 people ) ....
So, lets take some example, firstly we should take a two digit number like 35
35 x 11 = Put 5 as the unit digit of your final answer
next add "3" and "5" (as we should move in the left direction digit by digit) and put "8" as the Ten's digit of your final answer.
lastly put "3" as the hundredth and last digit of your final answer. ( this is done because you have already dealt with 5 , 5+3 and lastly 3 )
So the final answer is 385
35 x 11 = 385 ( 3 , 3+5 , 5 )

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Sixteen ( 16 ) Sutras of Vedic Mathematics

This are all the Sixteen Sutras or Aphorisms of Vedic Mathematics with their respective meanings. -

Sr No.SutrasMeaning
1.Ekadhikina PurvenaBy one more than the previous one
2.Nikhilam Navatashcaramam DashatahAll from 9 and the last from 10
3.Urdhva-TiryagbyhamVertically and crosswise
4.Paraavartya YojayetTranspose and adjust
5.Shunyam SaamyasamuccayeWhen the sum is the same that sum is zero.
6.(Anurupye) ShunyamanyatIf one is in ratio, the other is zero
7.Sankalana-vyavakalanabhyamBy addition and by subtraction
8.PuranapuranabyhamBy the completion or non-completion
9.Chalana-KalanabyhamDifferences and Similarities
10.YaavadunamWhatever the extent of its deficiency
11.VyashtisamanstihPart and Whole
12.Shesanyankena CharamenaThe remainders by the last digit
13.SopaantyadvayamantyamThe ultimate and twice the penultimate
14.Ekanyunena PurvenaBy one less than the previous one
15.GunitasamuchyahThe product of the sum is equal to the sum of the product
16.GunakasamuchyahThe factors of the sum is equal to the sum of the factors
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Squaring of a number ending with 1 (one)

This technique works well for squaring number ending with 1. If you multiply the numbers the traditional way you will see why this works.
For example:
     312 =
Firstly, subtract 1 from the number. The number now ends in zero and will be quite easy to square now.
     302 = 900 (3 x 3 x 10 x 10)
This is our sub-total.

Secondly, add together 30 and 31 -- the number we squared plus the number we want to square.
     30 + 31 = 61
Add this to our sub-total, 900, to get 961 (900 + 61) , which becomes the answer.
Note: For the second step you can simply double the number we squared, 30 x 2 and then add 1.

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About Vedic Mathematics

Vedic Mathematics is an ancient knowledge comprising of 16 sutras or aphorisms related to mathematics, check out all the 16 Sutras of Vedic Mathematics. This set of sutras was extracted from the Hindu Vedas which were written around 1500-900 BC. The founder of Vedic Mathematics was Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja, a Hindu scholar and mathematician.

It is also believed that this knowledge laid down the foundation of algorithm, square roots, algebra, the concept of zero and various methods of calculations. If you master all the Sutras or aphorisms in the vedic mathematics, you can solve any mathematical problem be it - arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or trigonometry and that also ORALLY !!.

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